Once in a while you come across something worth noting and just flat out worth talking about.  This is something I've told everyone I can get to listen. 

This person is a work colleague but more importantly a friend.  His business has done nothing but grow over the last two years and is grearing up for a lot more of the same this year.  I can honestly say that his methods and approach have kept us and our staff on our toes for a while now.  Having been working closely on job sites since Day 1, I can honestly say that this guy, this company and this approach are for real...

Martell Home Builders, founded by Pierre Martell of Moncton, have done nothing but impress me and everyone I know for some time.  Now, I feel it's my turn to shine some light on the current progress and achievements. Some of you will be familiar with a some or all of these, let me assure you...They are ALL impressive.

Martell Home Builders was nominated for an Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of the year award, but that's not all, they recently won a spot to pitch the company's business concept on the CBC's Dragons' Den, where they'll try to convince the show's millionaire investor-panelists to invest. How exciting! Also, Pierre has been accepted in the Wallace McCain institute for Entrepreneurial Leaders.  Where he'll get to rub shoulders with some of the best and the biggest around...

How AMAZING is all of this?!?

If you have a minute, check it all out:



1 Response to “MHB - Something worth Following!”

Thanks for the nice words my friend!!!!

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